Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The long-awaited surfing pictures!

This is probably going to be my last post, as I leave on Friday for Guatemala. I'll likely be making a new blog for that trip, details to be determined...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Reflections from San Diego

Well, the trip is now officially over. I just parted ways with Alan downtown, where he will catch a bus to the airport. Nathan is already home, having finished his journey in Los Angeles. And I will be leaving tomorrow afternoon for Saint Louis.....

Our final few days were filled with forty miles of city riding in L.A., innumerable beach towns along the coast, a foray through a Marine Corps base, boogey-boarding and Mexican food in Carlsbad, and the logistical nightmare of packing/transporting our bikes & gear to the airport.

While it was exhilarating to arrive in San Diego, and my legs are thankful for the rest, it is certainly a new and interesting feeling to not have my day already planned with biking.

Also -- keep an eye out for pictures of me and Alan surfing (we were horrible!)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

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the last supper at mcd's: 10 mcdoubles, 2 large fries, 4 apple pies, and 6000 calories for nadav and alan...

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our parting of ways, venice beach for nathan after about 1900 miles. San diego or bust for me and nadav.

Monday, September 28, 2009

1/3 of our group has finished!

Yesterday, Sunday the 27th of September I ended my trek in Los Angeles. Nadav and Alan continued on today towards San Diego where they should be finishing I two or three days. the numbers for my portion of the trip are:

1734 miles (1900)
74,102 elevation gained or 14 vertical miles (77,578)
69.9mph max speed (comp malfunction but likely in mid 40s)
12.4mph average speed
~150 hours of bicycling
$534 spent fixing bikes
18 flat tires
9 splattered bugs picked off my bike
at least 32 lbs of cheese eaten.

The numbers in parentheses are our assumed numbers to compensate for when Alans garmin was turned off.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


A long slog through inland california with soaring temperatures and a mean sun. Rode in a group of 8 most of the way to a campsite on a palm-lined beach at refugio. It was a nice long sleep after we rehydrated on corona in cans.

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Our campsite, finally in socal!